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by : BTF

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Untuk Ibu | To Mom by Jamrud

Today the sky bright blue sky which extend fully. Weather equator colonize all the creatures that exist. Chicken shelter behind trees, and now it's time for lunch. Also sound Azan already passed some time ago.
I remembered the good times before. The touch of a mother, a lovely touch of affection. The touch of love is full of sincerity, sincere and without complaint.

Mothers who must suffer the burden during pregnancy, the mother who gave birth, mothers caring for, feeding, rearing to adult. Start small children, teenagers and grown into an independent human. Now the mother is old, has white hair (gray) and also was trembling fingers. The establishment is not sturdy anymore, bent and weak.
Some people, had long abandoned by the mother, because it overlooks the Almighty. Only a distant memory, just a record of life left by the mother. A person who's beautiful mother to be remembered, to always be obeyed.
But there are many people who underestimate the figure of the mother, many who oppose, many feel the mother is the source of inhibitors, many of them fight and make the mother as an enemy. It would be naive, people who have been struggling between life and death during pregnancy and childbirth, made enemies in life. Perhaps, this is known as a rebellious child, the child who does not appreciate a good long struggle of a mother who has struggled to give it a life, educate people to become independent adults.
How many people who then became man who hates his own mother. Especially those who live in luxury living and the pursuit of ambition.
But listen, a song from the Jamrud entitled to Mother. The song that contains the advice and the love of a mother.
In fact, keep your soft smile you gave. From my time in the buckle, up to date. So much love you sow. More than stars in the sky. Once you cultivate the noble knowledge. Fill my spirit. For this life provision. Once in the sea in the ocean. Deep interest for me. Birds in the air so high, no taller than my respect to you. I put your name. Above everything. Engraved in our hearts.

I hope this song provides inspiration for your blog visitors Story song. How we should behave towards a mother, if you become a rebellious child, then the hell is a threat. Story song better believe that you know how to worship of a mother.

lyrics to the song ' Untuk Ibu | To Mom by Jamrud ' can be seen below:

Untuk Ibu by Jamrud

Helai rambut memutih
Jemari bergetar
Tatap matapun lelah
Bila kaki melangkah semakin perlahan
Tak pernah kau merasa letih

Malah senyum lembutmu tetap kau berikan
Dari waktu ku ditimang, hingga sampai saat ini
Begitu banyak cinta kau taburkan
Lebih dari bintang di langit
Begitu luhur ilmu kau tanamkan
Mengisi jiwaku
Untuk bekal hidup ini
Begitu dalam laut di samudra
Sedalam perhatian untukku

Begitu tinggi burung diangkasa
tak lebih tinggi dari rasa hormatku pada dirimu

Kutempatkan namamu
Diatas segalanya
Terukir dalam hati ini

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hadad Alwi - Rindu Muhammad ku

Blue sky stretched, bright and clean. thin white clouds like cotton floating in the wind. Sunlight shining since morning. Underneath was the mountains, hills, valleys green, blue ocean beaches extend brings froth touches. Various animal and forest related. Night waiting for the stars, the moon and the meteor that flew. Breathing human being to sleep well, full of delicious after a lunch full of activity.

It turned out that life is created with the beautiful. Allah SWT has created the world, and all living creatures full of love. God created humans with perfection to make this world a more beautiful and peaceful. But people are crisscrossing each other, another group also wants other. Apparently men are never willing to be grateful for the blessings given by Allah SWT is. Until finally, Allah SWT sent a Prophet's choice as the last day. The apostle who brought peace. What a role model and leader for all people in the entire surface of the earth.
About Rasullallah can listened from his song titled Muhammadku by Hadad Alwi. Hence the post title is also in accordance with the title of this song. Hadad Alwi – Rindu Muhammad ku.
This song tells of the longing of mankind to His messenger the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wassalam). This song is sung with a full 'hidmat' or filled with feelings of longing that. Subhanallah, this song brings us to the beautiful nuances that can only be enjoyed by people who understand the meaning of that longing. Longing to Muhammad. Prophet Muhammadend of time .
Should indeed we always miss Rasullallah. Each of Muslims around the world know this, and if so of course we will always Shalawat, which is an expression of nostalgia and a wonderful compliment to an Apostle of Allah as the Prophet Muhammad this. After all what is the advocacy and left what he forbids. Hadith it is a role model.
Rindu Muhammad ku by Hadad Alwi

Yaa rabbi bil-Mustafa
Yaa rabbi bil-Mustafa
Yaa rabbi bil-Mustafa balligh maqaashidanaa
Waghfirlanaa maamadhayaa waasi'al karami
Demi cinta-Mu ya Allah
Pada Muhammad nabi-Mu
Ampunilah dosaku
Wujudkan harapanku
Ya Rasulallah salamun alaik
Ya rafi'assyaniwaddaraji
Siapa yang cinta pada Nabinya
Pasti bahagia dalam hidupnya
Muhammadku Muhammadku dengarlah seruanku
Aku rindu aku rindu kepadamu Muhammadku
Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada Nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan Nabimu
Jika kau benar-benar cinta dan rindu kepada Muhammad nabimu
Taati perintah Nya, tinggalkan larangan Nya
Teladani akhlaknya
Niscaya kelak kau akan berjumpa dengan Rasullallah
Niscaya kelak kau akan berkumpul dengan Rasullallah
Back to Reff
Kau ajarkan hidup ini untuk saling mengasihi
Ku tanamkan dalam hati kuamalkan sejak dini
Ya Rasulallah salamun alaik
Ya rafi'assyaniwaddaraji
Engkaulah nabi pembawa cinta
Kau bimbing kami menuju surga
Back to Reff
[ bersama-sama ]
Back to Reff 2 x +
Kau yang mengaku cinta kepada nabimu
Kau yang mengaku merindukan nabimu
Jika kau benar-benar cinta dan rindu kepada Muhammad nabimu
Taati perintahNya, tinggalkan laranganNya
Teladani akhlaknya
Niscaya kelak kau akan berjumpa dengan Rasullallah
Niscaya kelak kau akan berkumpul dengan Rasullallah
Yaa rabbi bil-Mustafa 3 x

HADAD ALWI - rindu muhammad

source image : Muhammad Gold Ornament

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Without You by Five Minutes

Without You by Five Minutes
The song was released in 2000, had long indeed. Eleven years ago. But it still feels wonderful to be heard. Especially if you have memories of past or present circumstances also about the people you love but now leave you. The song is melancholy, sung by a music group from Indonesia called Five Minutes. Although their music is rock bernapaskan stretcher, but the romanticism of this song feels thick. His verse is easy to understand and straightforward. Tells the story of someone who left went by the lover, either go anywhere. When it becomes a beautiful memory that makes the feeling of being sad. Increasingly trying to forget the idol of the heart, the memories just the stronger. Perhaps that's if we are to love somebody, always wanted to close. But how, if it has been abandoned as told in song, can only own pensive. Heart of the lonely, empty heart, a lost love. Listen to this song will revive memories of a person. But this is the song, the most important is the entertainment that it can make you happy. You certainly know how to organize the memories you have. Enjoy.

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Kotak Band | Love you've been gone

 As usual, Kotak Band always represent the heart cry of those who are disappointed, left, and heartbreak. Always talking about the difference between two hearts of different owners. But this song is not a picture of sentimentality. With the flow of rock music (with 2 men and 2 women as members of the group) this song is also nice to hear. All people must have felt sad, disappointed, and forgotten. Everyone must feel how it feels sad to be left by anyone either. And do not translate this song only on the restriction about romance between men and women only. Let's expand that love is in the lyric of this song is about something that relates to the people dearest. (Although that question is left behind a girlfriend). People could have been dear parents who gave birth to us, our relatives, friends, relatives or even those who died due to natural disasters. Can also because our beloved leader to leave or fall from his throne. Well ..., here who says if you do not feel sad? It could also for those who have tried hard to choose good leaders, but was betrayed by creating a policy that is not worthy to be followed. Well .. his sad, disappointed right? Sad expression also can vary (so sad that people do not just cry and shed tears) as angry, silent solitude, or in mass groups can be a demonstration of discontent down streets shouting. Do not think those who liked the demo it was a tough, they are people who experience great sadness and disappointment that they could not express with tears. They were also a broken heart, is pursuing a very deep disappointment. They're trying to get out of sadness. So, if viewed from the incident, the story song to your advice to not always grieve, try to always joyous though many things in life make us disappointed. Yeah .. right?. Just imagine if people are sad that gather in large quantity. The state also could they change. So try to be people who are not always sad, sad because it could harm people you know ...., Unless you believe ..., just try asking on the swaying grass. He ... he ... he ...

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Story of my life by Bona Paputungan

Music is an art that knows no bounds. Not too original, composing songs. Because music and songs can be a place of expressing thoughts, feelings, situations, conditions and all sorts about life. Music and songs can be a picture of beauty, but also about the anxiety.
This is a sad story. Songs that were created by someone who never dealt with criminal acts and then have to go to jail in a specified period as a punishment that must be lived. Of course, in prison he was tortured prisoners, the freedom that he has become terbelunggu and suffering. Confined within a narrow and airless space. This is a brief description of the suffering.
With a simple poem, supported music is simple because it only uses an acoustic guitar without a complete music equipment like a music group, this song just touched. The story needed to say in his verse can also be said about the target. The expression of an injustice that penetrated the modern world are again undergoing a process of upheaval and shift in thinking as well as moral. A world full of deception, a world filled with the mafia. World began to see religion is an obstacle, a world that sees the place of worship is a place that not only provides a means to visit.
The songwriter is looking at an injustice that penetrated in various corners of the world, and also including in this country. Someone who has clearly become condemned and will be serving his sentence but could still travel, brothels and the streets of the beautiful places and become a tourist destination by the world community.
Why did the author not singing songs in his music as complementary equipment like a music group. He only uses an acoustic guitar (guitar perforated in other terms). Perhaps this may be a symbol that the conditions of thought of many people have become perforated. Bolong of an order, perforated from a good teaching. empty of togetherness attention, because it is more selfish. It's up to someone else, want hard, or so what. The important thing is I'm happy. If there are dead, yes ... living digging graves, and all so wrong. I'm still happy. Do not ask people like this about God's punishment, he will pout with lip manyun.
The song is full of metaphor, his verse is straightforward and easily understood. The music is simple, yes ... it was .... Just a guitar perforated. But if not thought of as simple as this does not bring a powerful effect. In this country, from small children to the frail elderly and even those who've almost died too familiar with this song. Even know about a case that became a part of this song, everyone is familiar with the name Gaius Tambunan.
But whatever the story to be revealed by this song. The songs he's still a song that became part of a wonderful entertainment for many people. Only here do not all types of songs or music liked by everyone. There are people who like a certain music flow and no / less like other music. You how, like with this song or dislike. He ...., He ..., apart like it or not, story song to thank those of you who have read this paper and of course also want to comment on the comment section below. Yes ... right?
Greetings of friendship is always me who lives in a small town far from the bustle and noise of big cities. 

The following 'Story song' dedicate song lyric Story of my life by Bona Paputungan:

Kisah hidupku by Bona Paputungan

11 maret, diriku masuk penjara
Awalku menjalani
proses masa tahanan
Hidup di penjara
sangat berat ku rasakan
Badanku kurus
karena beban pikiran

kita orang yang lemah
tak punya daya apa-apa
tak bisa berbuat banyak
seperti para koruptor

Andai ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
pasrah akan keadaan

07 Oktober, kubebas dari penjara
Menghirup udara segar, lepaskan penderitaan
Wahai saudara dan para sahabatku
Lakukan yang terbaik , jangan engkau salah arah

Andai ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
pasrah akan keadaan

Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan
Kenangan yang pahit dalam hidup ini

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Monday, January 03, 2011

Unloading | Bongkar by Iwan Fals

If love is in the waste. What happened? It is a common question. But it can lead to many bad things. It turned out that 'love' is so important. In everyday life, whether small or large, the role of 'love' as something major. Unlike the love songs of others, but this one song talking about 'love' in different versions. As a respected musical artist, Unloading | Bongkar by Iwan Fals gives a special breath in the song. He shouted to fight for a condition which he said was unfair. A condition that is very sad, filled with injustice and tyranny. He screamed, he yelled, he had a contagious to oppose a tyranny of a ruling regime. Iwan Fals has struggled between guitar, harmonica-wrenching voice and pounding drum beat. He clenched his hands up high, and he tried to give a feel of reforms since he became an artist's music. Unloading | Bongkar by Iwan Fals is one of his songs are quite famous. A criticism to a power which he felt was unfair. Iwan Fals gives a values struggle in music. Not surprisingly, one musician who is always dealing with the authorities, because the song makes a lot of people get hot and offended. Many hate it, especially among the people in power. But much more is making it as an idol, because the song brings a breath of truth and pro-lower class society.

Consider the lyrics of the song Unloading | Unloading by Iwan Fals following:
If love is in the waste Do not hope justice will come Grief just spectacle For those who are in the riding position Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Patience patience patience and wait That's the answer we received Apparently we should go to the street Collapsed his demons who stand astride Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oppression and abuse arbitrariness Many more very numerous to mention Hoi stop stop do not be forwarded We are fed up with uncertainty and greed Our streets lean their future goals Because at home no more to be trusted Parents look at us as human beings We ask you please answered with love Uh oh Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading Oh oh yes oh yes oh yes unloading How come? Can too!

Here's the original lyrics of Unloading | Unloading by Iwan Fals in the Indonesian language.
Unloading | Bongkar by Iwan Fals

Kalau cinta sudah di buang
Jangan harap keadilan akan datang
Kesedihan hanya tontonan
Bagi mereka yang diperkuda jabatan

Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar

Sabar sabar sabar dan tunggu
Itu jawaban yang kami terima
Ternyata kita harus ke jalan
Robohkan setan yang berdiri mengangkang

Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar

Penindasan serta kesewenang wenangan
Banyak lagi teramat banyak untuk disebutkan
Hoi hentikan hentikan jangan diteruskan
Kami muak dengan ketidakpastian dan keserakahan

Dijalanan kami sandarkan cita cita
Sebab dirumah tak ada lagi yang bisa dipercaya
Orang tua pandanglah kami sebagai manusia
Kami bertanya tolong kau jawab dengan cinta

Oh oh

Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar
Oh oh ya oh ya oh ya bongkar

Kok bisa?
Bisa kok!

Because of their work fighting for justice through his songs, but nothing wrong with the Times magazine bestowed on him as a hero of Asia ( Asian heroes ).

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bored | Bosan by RAN

Bored me. It's a waste of time with you. Not ever. The least you understand me. It turns out you're different. Far from what I think. At the beginning you say. Love me. I'm bored with you. This is, you never know. Always you were me. Weeks to follow you. Let's end. Can not stand myself anymore. Anyway forget. I want to go from you. My patience has run out. Dizziness me in you. Come on already. I want to go from you.  
In the above song, really sad. Dating can be boring. Why? Yes it was, as in past posts that have been discussed about the conflict, selfishness, want to master, like a lot of organizing and others. But that was normal. Falling in love is beautiful, that love can lead to bother. The period does feel a waste of time with his own girlfriend? But this can happen to everyone and in every pair. Even a married and have children even if it can happen. But it need not be discussed much is, just enjoy this song.
Some posts from the Indonesian song whose story is similar to this include: 

 Here in 'Indonesian song' show of original songs Bored | Bosan by RAN

Bosan ku
Buang-buang waktu bersamamu
Tak pernah
Sedikitpun kau mengerti aku

Ternyata kau berbeda
Jauh dari yang ku rasa
Saat awal kau katakan
Cinta kepadaku

Bosan aku denganmu
Ini itu kau tak tahu
Selalu kau buatku
'tuk menuruti dirimu

Ayo kita akhiri
Diriku tak tahan lagi
Sudahlah lupakan
Ku ingin pergi darimu

Back to *

Habis sudah sabarku
Pusing aku di buatmu
Sudahlah sudah
Ku ingin pergi darimu

Back to **, *** 2x

Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari

Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi dari

Ku ingin pergi dari
Ku ingin pergi darimu

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Romance | Kemesraan by Iwan Fals

<img src="" alt="Romance | Kemesraan by Iwan Fals"/>
Romance is a song sung by Iwan Fals. Unlike other songs, romance is a song with lyrics that are simple, easy to understand and talk about what love is. Talk about love, Iwan Fals more revealing than the side of simplicity, do not drain the heart. As a tough, Iwan Fals sang by putting forward a beautiful side of life processes. Not many demands on the sheen it gives love, do not make the listener become miserable. Not really make fans have to reminisce about the past by leaving the impression of sadness. He ... he .. he ( Iwan Fals ) is a respected musician in Indonesia.
Romance here, not only intimacy that only a mere indulgence in lust lust. But more to the intimacy of their life. Peaceful romance. Intelligent romance. Who do not talk about the beauty of love, heartbreak pain or upset, bewildered, if not agree, or be sad because it was left to go.
Try to dive into the purpose of the following poem which was translated freely.  
One day. At the time we sit alongside the beach. And look at the growing sea waves aside. Flying seagull. Playing diderunya water. This natural sound. Warm our souls
Meanwhile. Sun slowly began to sink. Your guitar sound. Steady melody of love. There are hearts. Burning closely united. Vibrate the whole soul. Shed at the time.
This intimacy. Do not be fleeting. This intimacy. I want to always be remembered.
My heart is peaceful. My soul is at ease on your side. My heart is peaceful. My soul at ease. Who You Are.

Here's 'Indonesian song' show the original lyrics of the song Romance | Kemesraan by Iwan Fals

Suatu hari
Di kala kita duduk ditepi pantai
Dan memandang ombak dilautan yang kian menepi

Burung camar terbang
Bermain diderunya air
Suara alam ini
Hangatkan jiwa kita

Sinar surya perlahan mulai tenggelam
Suara gitarmu
Mengalunkan melodi tentang cinta
Ada hati
Membara erat bersatu
Getar seluruh jiwa
Tercurah saat itu

Kemesraan ini
Janganlah cepat berlalu
Kemesraan ini
Ingin ku kenang selalu

Hatiku damai
Jiwaku tentram di samping mu
Hatiku damai
Jiwa ku tentram

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Our house | Rumah kita by Godbless

<img  itemprop="photo" src="" alt="Our house | Rumah kita by Godbless">
This is one musical group in Indonesia that has been aging since the 70s. The flow of music is Rock because it was a stream of music that spread throughout the world. With the personnel consisting of Achmad Albar on vocals, Ian Antono on guitar, Donny Fatah on bass, on drums and Yaya Moektio, Abadi Soesman on the keyboard. Although time-change of personnel, and experience the vacuum, but until now Godbless still be a respected band. 

In this post Indonesian song or Story song featuring one song from Godbless, who called our house. Lyrics in this song has a good mission. Having a social purpose, which stems from differences between rural communities to urban areas. The city is promising a future, jobs and money. Glitter of the city with all the existing facilities caused many people have a wonderful dream to be able to get there. This song is old song, but the problem does not stop at urban nostalgia. Precisely at the present time is increasingly becoming the urban social life in urban areas or city. The emergence of a beggar. The emergence of crime, although crime is not strata of view, too many villains tie. Problems of housing, social welfare problems, untidiness of a city can not be separated from these urban. The emergence of urban problems can not be separated from employment in the area. The population is increasing rapidly, and jobs are not evenly. Much agricultural land turned into a place of settlement, and luxury villas. Industrial lot located in the city, large estates are not able to accommodate workers in large quantities. Plantation of the people, not well maintained and tended to become extinct. Even skills education received less serious attention. And many other things that cause a lot of people trying to move from rural to urban.
Consider the song lyrics  Our house | Rumah kita by Godbless.
Only bamboo shelter us. Without decoration, without painting. Straw-roofed, paved with soil. But all this got us. It all belongs to our own.
Only alang alang fence of our house. Ask carnation, without the jasmine. Only lilies, growing in the yard. But all it got us. It's all ours. Should we go to town. Full of questions.
It's better here, our own homes. Every blessing and grace of the Almighty. It's all here. Our homes.
It's better here, our own homes. Every blessing and grace of power. It's all here. Our homes.
It's better here, our own homes. Every blessing and grace of power.
It's all here. Our homes. Our homes. It's here.

The song is not just for the needs of music only. The process of its creation stems from the sharp social observation. And conduct in-depth review. For those who survive, to process what is the village with great patience, not a few who later also became a good life. Yeah ....., nothing better than one's own. Although it is completely simple. Although it was just weeds as a fence. No carnation and jasmine, lilies are indeed only grow in the village. Beautiful lyrics to this song, probably deserve to be synchronized with the poetry.
Bamboo, bamboo, bamboo ......., our house. Our own.

Hanya bilik bambu tempat tinggal kita
Tanpa hiasan, tanpa lukisan
Beratap jerami, beralaskan tanah
Namun semua ini punya kita
Memang semua ini milik kita, sendiri

Hanya alang alang pagar rumah kita
Tanya anyelir, tanpa melati
Hanya bunga bakung tumbuh di halaman
Namun semua itu punya kita
Memang semua itu milik kita

Haruskah kita beranjak ke kota
Yang penuh dengan tanya

Lebih baik di sini, rumah kita sendiri
Segala nikmat dan anugerah yang Kuasa
Semuanya ada di sini
Rumah kita
<img  itemprop="photo" src="" alt="Our house | Rumah kita by Godbless">
 Lebih baik di sini, rumah kita sendiri
Segala nikmat dan anugerah yang kuasa
Semuanya ada di sini
Rumah kita

Lebih baik di sini, rumah kita sendiri
Segala nikmat dan anugerah yang kuasa
Semuanya ada di sini
Rumah kita
Rumah kita
Ada di sini

See also my post that has been passed. A song from Ebiet G. Ade with the post title : Ebiet G. Ade | Cita-cita kecil si anak desa

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