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by : BTF

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah )

Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah )
Love you more dizzy because of the trouble? Many are so busy for love, whether it's because of disappointment, heartbreak, or love that does not comply with the wishes. Many are confused, because love is not accomplished, missed the train, because already taken. He .. he .. he ..., drunk love is of immense taste. Sweet, bitter, sour, or no taste at all. Among them until someone is sick, even kill himself (hanged himself under the tree chili). You're one of the many people who have problems with love? Hopefully not.

Bondan Prakoso & Fade2Black - Ya Sudahlah

Why is it must be hard? Listen to this song, Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah ). You will be entertained, all the pain, fatigue as it gets disappointment will fade. Why be disappointed? Still exist and many others. Why should hard? Still there and still a lot of fun. Why should cry? Still there and still many people around us are laughing happily. Listen to this song, Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah ). If you're sick with asthma, sore throats, colds, toothache, headache, even hurt, you will be cured of the disease. He ... he ... he ... Not convinced? just try it.

This song is different from the previous posting, although its title is almost the same. See: Sudah | Goodbye by Nidji dan Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi In the past two titles, the song is about a disappointment, heart cries, or also feel excluded. But not with this one: Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah ). This song sounded cheerful, the lyrics are. and try to provide a solution. You again heartbroken or angry, or disappointed? listen to this song. Yes .... never mind. Happy happy ...., and always happy.

below, song lyrics Bondan Prakoso :

Bondan Prakosa & Fade 2 Black | Yeah.. ... never mind ( Ya... Sudahlah )

Bondan Prakosa:
Ketika mimpimu yg begitu indah,
tak pernah terwujud..ya sudahlah
Saat kau berlari mengejar anganmu,
dan tak pernah sampai..ya sudahlah (hhmm)

Apapun yg terjadi, ku kan slalu ada untukmu
Janganlah kau bersedih..coz everything's gonna be OKAY

yo..Satu dari sekian kemungkinan
kau jatuh tanpa ada harapan
saat itu raga kupersembahkan
bersama jiwa, cita,cinta dan harapan

Kita sambung satu persatu sebab akibat
tapi tenanglah mata hati kita kan lihat
menuntun ke arah mata angin bahagia
kau dan aku tahu,jalan selalu ada

juga ku tahu lagi problema kan terus menerjang
bagai deras ombak yang menabrak karang
namun ku tahu..ku tahu kau mampu tuk tetap tenang
hadapi ini bersamaku hingga ajal datang

Bondan Prakoso:
Sempat kau berharap keramahan cinta,
tak pernah kau dapat..ya sudahlah
yeeah..dengar ku bernyanyi..lalalalalala
heyyeye yaya dedudedadedudedudidam..semua ini belum *****hir

back to *reff

Fade 2 Black:
satukan langkah..langkah yg beriring!
genggam hati, rangkul emosi!

Bondan Prakosa:
Genggamlah hatiku, satukan langkah kita

Fade 2 Black:
Sama rasa, tanpa pamrih
ini cinta..across da sea

Bondan Prakosa:
peluklah diriku..terbanglah bersamaku, melayang jauh.. (come fly with me, baby)

Fade 2 Black:
Ini aku dari ujung rambut menyusur jemari
sosok ini yg menerima kelemahan hati
yea..aku cinta kau..(ini cinta kita)
cukup satu waktu yes.(untuk satu cinta)

satu cinta ini akan tuntun jalanku
rapatkan jiwamu yo tenang disisiku
rebahkan rasamu..untuk yg ditunggu

back to *reff 3x

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu


Bondan Prakosa


    1. tiap saiia online di marvel klik, pasti saiia di perdengarkan lagu satu ini kang :)

    2. lagu Ya Sudahlah dari Bondan & F2B ini emang keren dan liriknya juga sangat bermakna ..

    3. Lagu ini bisa jadi rambu2 buat orang2 yang sedang mengejar ambisi atau yang sedang dilanda kegagalan.. Keren deh pokoknya.


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