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by : BTF

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi

Sudahlah...!Never mind ..., I left. Love is not always united. Fate leads to something unexpected. Thoughts and feelings of confusion as swayed by something that is not certain. Anyway ...., I left. Remembering the past is part of the beauty, recalling the past is also part of grief. But the regret of the past, similar to hamper future. Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi a sweet Indonesian rock song, with vocal support Fadli Padi feels good to hear this song, Love is an ocean that are difficult to measure its distance, it is unknown extent, unable to dive deep. Tired though his soul to hope. Feel the love we once again. But ah ... ah ... we separated. No matter how much we hope, is the uncertainty that we can. How much we sacrifice, not knowing where to dock. Anyway ....., I left. Do not want to get hurt because of memories of the past, the love that is not balanced, the expected time, There's something else that is equally important, Linking mind and heart, just by putting his head under, and the leg above, always cross each other wants. Because love is not enough just to be guided by feeling alone. Love is a beautiful blend of flavor, and also logic in putting the position of the existence of love itself.

Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi as well as the lyrics of another song (related article: Sudah | Goodbye by Nidji , Only slowly | Pelan-Pelan saja by Kotak Band , Lagu untuk sebuah nama , Still in love or Masih Cinta by Kotak Band , ) They almost agree that love should not have, love takes sacrifice, love takes attitude relented, love can not be forced, love should have a balance between the two feelings and thoughts between two people who expect each other, love can be happy but can also destroy. Love that attitude will lead to excessive egotism. Never mind ..., I left. A cry of deep disappointment, expecting something that never came. Standing in the quiet and stared at the full moon is very far away. Expect a shooting star, but the gravel throughout the body piercing. Do not know where we are heading, they carry themselves in a deep disappointment. Never mind ..., I left. One day I will meet with the beauty more beautiful. One day I will meet with the peace that is more peaceful. Never mind ..., I left. Entering the good times that have been waiting to dock in his lap. 
The swift hand of religion. Milling grooves of our lives. Do not regret. Try to strengthen the heart ... oh ... I go ... Go left something that could not be able to achieve. Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi pretty much tells the story of disillusionment that is not worth keeping. Belongs to the past disappointments, hope belongs to today and the future. Story song picked this song to be one article, because it found the existence of a message obtained. A decision must be taken with a firm and rigid. Whatever the risks. Hopefully my friend Indonesian song gain happiness in taking the days full of challenges..

These are the lyrics to the song Never mind | Sudahlah by Padi

Cerita lalu seakan nyata
Larut kita didalam rasa
Mengalir terbawa jangan teruskan
Kita yang pernah mengukir cinta
Berbayang masa saat bersama
Hanyutkan kita coba hentikan

Sudahlah... aku pergi
Sudahlah... aku pergi

Lelahkan jiwa meski berharap
Rasakan lagi cinta kita dulu
Tapi ah... ah... kita terpisahkan

Derasnya sisi religi
Mengasah alur hidup kita
Jangan sesali
Coba kuatkan hati... oh
Aku pergi...

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu | Indonesian song


Padi Band


    1. waahhhh... banyak lagu lama di sini...jadi ingat someone...hehehehehee ;)

    2. jadi inget jaman nongkrong nii kang saiianya :)

    3. iya betul nih kalian, klu denger ni lirik lagu dimainkan, teringat temen2 nongkrong, main, sampai inget wkt dikejar2 kambing balap tetangga klu denger ni musik, heee... heee.... seeeppp daahh....


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