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by : BTF

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Nusantara Series by Koes Plus | Nusantara II

Nusantara Series by Koes Plus  | Nusantara IIThis time Story in Indonesian songs | story song lift stories from the Koes Plus song, titled Nusantara II is still a series of Nusantara Series by Koes Plus. Nusantara is a world of beauty. In the course of his music Koes Plus raised topic of beauty. Nusantara is a unique stretch of a State that is in the world. You can see how the archipelago in the world map. Nusantara indeed can you imagine such a series of gems. A group of green islands, the sea bed which bias the beautiful blue color, like ants marching mountain chains, large and small rivers liukan like a snake that moves swiftly and forest green depicting fertility. You'll also find rays of the sun throughout the day. There is no winter and summer, there is the cool dew, and the warmth of ultraviolet light. Nusantara became a decoration in the world map. You may be wondering how the relationship between the people of Indonesia, while they are separated by a stretch of sea and islands that spread? In ancient times, before the technology of communication and transportation, as now they do timbale relations back by using traditional means. Trade between the islands / areas as a means permersatu relationships between people who have cultural and ethnic diversity. Nusantara is a natural indulgence in the world. Nusantara Series by Koes Plus | Nusantara II becomes the post title as a continuation of the Nusantara Series by Koes Plus and will be continued on the next series. Here is a song from the Nusantara II

Nusantara II
by Koes Plus

Setiap pagi berseri-seri,. Nusantara
Sepanjang siang bergembira, nusantara
Malam bulan bersinar terang
Semua bernyanyi riang, bersahut-sahutan
Nusantara betapa indah
Nusantara betapa sayang
Untaian permata
Nusantara Kaya
Nusantara Subur
Nusantara Di khatulistiwa
Setiap pagi berseri-seri.
Sepanjang siang bergembira
Malam bulan bersinar terang
Semua bernyanyi riang, bersahut-sahutan
Nusantara betapa Aman
Betapa Tenteram
Untaian permata
Nusantara Betapa ramah
Nusantara betapa Cerah
Nusantara di Khatulistiwa

See also: Nusantara series by Koes Plus


Nusantara series by Koes Plus

1 comment:

  1. saya teringat ketika masih SMP, lagu dari koesplus selalu kami nyanyikan. ini nostalgia ya.


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