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by : BTF

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

You came | Kau datang by Krakatau Band

 This is the old song, released around the 80's. Krakatau Band with his vocalists Tri Utamie. However, this song is still worth to be heard. Although the songs of nostalgia, it still feels compatible with the current condition of Indonesian music. But it can also be a comparison to the nuances of music today. With a happy rhythm, backed with a light song and easy to understand, this song takes us on a happy condition. Optimism that need a friend, as sung by the band Krakatau. Abandoned lover indeed cause a sense of sadness. Creates a feeling of lonely and lost in longing.

Download You came | Kau datang by Krakatau Band
Waiting for replacement are expected to provide a new mood. Bind old wounds, knitting yarns are more tightly and love stronger. Reforming the luminous atmosphere of hope. Optimism love, is a beautiful handle for a long road of life. 
You came for the sake of my happiness. I was looking for.
Indonesian song can feel how wonderful mood when experiencing similar things. When the mood is quiet, suddenly someone came and brought the long-awaited love. This is indeed happy. Everything does not always run smoothly. Many obstacles and barriers, but if it finds a beautiful street, the heart like a rose that blooms, smells fragrant and lovely. Wow .... 
Below, the lyric You came | Kau datang by Krakatau Band

Sejenak hatiku meragu
Suara hatiku membisu
Kehampaan kian terasa
Akan sesuatu t'lah tiada

Kurindukan suasana baru
Harapan merubah hidupku
Mengisi kehampaan diri
'tuk mengganti yang telah pergi

Kau datang seketika
Menggetarkan jiwa
Sehingga kuterlena
Sekejap kumerasa
Kau datang demi kebahagianku
Yang kucari oh ...oh

Semenjak kau datang
Hidupku kau berikan semua dirimu
'Tuk seorang t'lah dihanyutkan
Di dalam arus kesepian

Kau datang seketika
Mengejutkan jiwa
Sehingga kuterlena
Walau 'tuk sementara

You came for the sake of my happiness. I was looking for.
And your arrival on this blog, I'm happy too. Indonesian song always waiting for your visit here, let alone comment. Woowww .... very happy if you came. Just happy when Indonesian song to comment on your blog. Ha ... ha ... ha ...

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu


Krakatau Band

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