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by : BTF

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB

Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB
In the '80s, the singer is quite popular, with sunglasses, a sexy voice and charming stage action because it is always ruffled the hair at the time of singing. With the original name Atiek Prasetyawati and popular as a singer by the name Atiek CB. Born in Jakarta on March 25, 1963, she became one of Indonesian rock star.

Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB

One of the popular song is "Risau". The song that tells of the anxiety that harbored a doubt the heart of love. About ego self, always want to control your partner. Something that should not happen in building a rope of love. With the romantic music, this song is nice to be heard and also can be used as reflective material. To the extent where we can build a balanced love relationship between myself and the desire mindset and character of our partners. Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB is the story of every person. Many people do not want to be too much governed by their partner. Do not want to be tamed. Do not want to always feel watched, but want to always get attention. Because it is not the same attention to regulate or control. Build mutual trust with each other is one of the pillars wholeness of love. Try to enjoy the following song:

Until the night wore on. I'm still not tired, too. bend road we travel
simply brushed aside uneasiness.
although self-decorated smile. but the heart was never at ease. and often come feelings of others. about the honesty to me.
how high. we are able to climb. sense of love and sincerity.
but when the liver so it separately. give certainty. I melt for all.
I admit my mistake. always wanted to have. and thou shalt never open. to dispel any prejudice.

This song has also been popularized again by Maestro Indonesian music. Creator and popular singer named Melly Guslaw with the same title, but of course with musical arrangements and a different appreciation. Recycling this song was released in 2006.

Here's the original lyrics Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB

Hingga malam semakin larut
aku masih tak penat juga
menekur jalan yg kita tempuh
sekedar menepis rasa gelisah

walau diri berhias senyum
namun hati tak pernah tentram
dan sering datang perasaan lain
tentang kejujuranmu kepadaku

<img  itemprop="photo" src="" alt="Troubled | Risau by Atiek CB">

setinggi apa
kita mampu mendaki
rasa cinta kasih dan kesungguhan

namun bila hati jadi terpisah
beri kepastian
agar ku lebur semua

ku akui kesalahanku
selalu ingin memiliki
dan engkaupun tak pernah terbuka
untuk menghalau segala prasangka

repeat reff

Now the singer happy life, with children and husband and settled in America.

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu


Atiek CB


    1. greeting for you
      wow long tima i not see atiek cb since im in china hehehe now with new troubled risau i think this goos choice for her hehehe

    2. Dhana/戴安娜 thanks for commenting first on my troubled. he ... he ..., is also one of my fav songs.

    3. salam sobat
      jadi ingat dulu,saya suka lagunya Ati CB ini.
      trims visitnya ke S.A
      salam kenal juga.


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