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by : BTF

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Story of my life by Bona Paputungan

Music is an art that knows no bounds. Not too original, composing songs. Because music and songs can be a place of expressing thoughts, feelings, situations, conditions and all sorts about life. Music and songs can be a picture of beauty, but also about the anxiety.
This is a sad story. Songs that were created by someone who never dealt with criminal acts and then have to go to jail in a specified period as a punishment that must be lived. Of course, in prison he was tortured prisoners, the freedom that he has become terbelunggu and suffering. Confined within a narrow and airless space. This is a brief description of the suffering.
With a simple poem, supported music is simple because it only uses an acoustic guitar without a complete music equipment like a music group, this song just touched. The story needed to say in his verse can also be said about the target. The expression of an injustice that penetrated the modern world are again undergoing a process of upheaval and shift in thinking as well as moral. A world full of deception, a world filled with the mafia. World began to see religion is an obstacle, a world that sees the place of worship is a place that not only provides a means to visit.
The songwriter is looking at an injustice that penetrated in various corners of the world, and also including in this country. Someone who has clearly become condemned and will be serving his sentence but could still travel, brothels and the streets of the beautiful places and become a tourist destination by the world community.
Why did the author not singing songs in his music as complementary equipment like a music group. He only uses an acoustic guitar (guitar perforated in other terms). Perhaps this may be a symbol that the conditions of thought of many people have become perforated. Bolong of an order, perforated from a good teaching. empty of togetherness attention, because it is more selfish. It's up to someone else, want hard, or so what. The important thing is I'm happy. If there are dead, yes ... living digging graves, and all so wrong. I'm still happy. Do not ask people like this about God's punishment, he will pout with lip manyun.
The song is full of metaphor, his verse is straightforward and easily understood. The music is simple, yes ... it was .... Just a guitar perforated. But if not thought of as simple as this does not bring a powerful effect. In this country, from small children to the frail elderly and even those who've almost died too familiar with this song. Even know about a case that became a part of this song, everyone is familiar with the name Gaius Tambunan.
But whatever the story to be revealed by this song. The songs he's still a song that became part of a wonderful entertainment for many people. Only here do not all types of songs or music liked by everyone. There are people who like a certain music flow and no / less like other music. You how, like with this song or dislike. He ...., He ..., apart like it or not, story song to thank those of you who have read this paper and of course also want to comment on the comment section below. Yes ... right?
Greetings of friendship is always me who lives in a small town far from the bustle and noise of big cities. 

The following 'Story song' dedicate song lyric Story of my life by Bona Paputungan:

Kisah hidupku by Bona Paputungan

11 maret, diriku masuk penjara
Awalku menjalani
proses masa tahanan
Hidup di penjara
sangat berat ku rasakan
Badanku kurus
karena beban pikiran

kita orang yang lemah
tak punya daya apa-apa
tak bisa berbuat banyak
seperti para koruptor

Andai ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
pasrah akan keadaan

07 Oktober, kubebas dari penjara
Menghirup udara segar, lepaskan penderitaan
Wahai saudara dan para sahabatku
Lakukan yang terbaik , jangan engkau salah arah

Andai ku Gayus Tambunan
Yang bisa pergi ke Bali
Semua keinginannya
Pasti bisa terpenuhi

Lucunya di negeri ini
hukuman bisa dibeli
Kita orang yang lemah
pasrah akan keadaan

Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan
Kenangan yang pahit dalam hidup ini

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu


Bona Paputungan


    1. Salam sahabat
      Jafi teringat tambunan
      Oh iya kotak folowers belum saya temukan jadi belum follow dan pakai ponsel sich kemungkinan berpengaruh

    2. Hi apa kabar?.
      Sudah lama saya tidak kungjungi blog ini, sorry.
      Aku sekarang ada di Singapore, minggu depan ke Jakarta lagi. Saya sudah rindu bir Bintang.
      Salam dari Singapore

    3. Hi.... Gildo, good activity in Singapore, thanks for visiting and commenting. Enjoy the 'Bir Bintang' in Jakarta. greetings.


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