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by : BTF

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Without You by Five Minutes

Without You by Five Minutes
The song was released in 2000, had long indeed. Eleven years ago. But it still feels wonderful to be heard. Especially if you have memories of past or present circumstances also about the people you love but now leave you. The song is melancholy, sung by a music group from Indonesia called Five Minutes. Although their music is rock bernapaskan stretcher, but the romanticism of this song feels thick. His verse is easy to understand and straightforward. Tells the story of someone who left went by the lover, either go anywhere. When it becomes a beautiful memory that makes the feeling of being sad. Increasingly trying to forget the idol of the heart, the memories just the stronger. Perhaps that's if we are to love somebody, always wanted to close. But how, if it has been abandoned as told in song, can only own pensive. Heart of the lonely, empty heart, a lost love. Listen to this song will revive memories of a person. But this is the song, the most important is the entertainment that it can make you happy. You certainly know how to organize the memories you have. Enjoy.

Story in Indonesian Songs | Indonesian song | Review of Indonesian Liryc songs | Story songs | Kisah dalam lagu Indonesia | Sweet rock songs | Indonesian love song | Lirik lagu


Five Minutes


    1. @diarykudiblog thanks, Without You by Five Minutes memang lagu melankolis.

    2. Sengaja aku datang
      Sunguh senang dapat suguhan
      dan kudapat berdendang
      Dg lagu2 menawan


    3. wah maaf bngt broo.. akhir2 ini aku lg gak bisa fokus blooging.. oya tapi tampilannya sekarang dah keren.. mantap lanjutkan bro..

    4. @van
      thanks bro, udah berkunjung and comment pada Without You by Five Minutes semoga bloggingnya berlanjut

    5. wahhh im not understanddd..wkwkwkwkkw

    6. hehhehe...orang Melayu Kee..??? ne Blog sayee satu Lg..heheheh


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