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by : BTF

Monday, September 06, 2010

Franky and Jane

Franky and Jane are two brothers who became one country ballad singer who is owned by Indonesia. In the decade of the 1970s they began their musical career. One thing that becomes the privilege of singing sisters this is the kind of voice they have. The song that they sing more about the nature theme, love and social conditions. With the support of the unique and specific sound, the songs Franky and Jane received an award from the fans of their own. Franky as a brother and a sister Jane, they are so solid that they are both better known as Franky and Jane. One of their songs are well known is ‘Perjalanan’. The song that they sing more about the nature theme, love and social conditions. (see also : Nusantara series by Koes Plus). With the support of the unique and specific sound, the songs Frank and Jane received an award from the fans of their own. Franky as a brother and a sister Jane, they are so solid that they are both better known as Franky and Jane. One of their songs are pretty well known is the Perjalanan. The song is about longing for a child who longed for the life of his village. Longing for the father, mother, and certainly too long for relatives because it was left to wander. How he had to go home? The children use the services of railway transport. To strengthen the image of a train in musical illustration Franky and Jane enter the train sound elements that began to move. Indeed, this song feels natural. The atmosphere is heard is to imagine the situation. Ok ... reader as well. We continue the story. The girl who has been quietly sitting in a train car as he felt the pleasure of traveling, and also as he imagined village atmosphere that will be the goal because of missed it. Of course, here you can imagine how beautiful the countryside, with mountains towering, bushy trees, the river water flowing and gurgling noises, the sound of singing birds, beautiful, screaming kids running around the village on the edge of rice fields, and fresh air are rubbed gently on the surface of the skin and into the chest which is far from air pollution. Delicious indeed imagine that. The girl sat quietly in the carriage. In front of the girl, sits a mother who looked at the girl. Staring with great emotion, looked with great longing, looked with compassion. There was something he saw on the girl. There he found the girl's face and it has long since disappeared. The mother then told the girl, that girl's face is similar to the front of his own daughter. If a person's face are similar to those we care about it have been normal. But in this story the mother had long lost daughter, since dead. Died due to illness. Good condition did not impartial to the mother, her daughter was sick and they are not able to treat it. Not able to buy medicine or take him to the doctor. Sadly, and this is indeed often occur in remote communities because they live in rural and poor. This is a story in a song, but this story is not just a songwriter's imagination. This song describes a situation and condition is poor. Franky and Jane was able to convey this in a package that communicative music. A song which, if internalized and understood will lead to a sense of emotion. Did you ever find things like this? 'Story in Indonesian songs' attempt to review this song because this song can touch the sense of humanity and good sense of solidarity. We can not imagine, how people around us who do not really care if there are other people who have trouble. It's just a story of a song, need not be discussed further. But this song to remind us that more to be able to help others. Thank you, you've visited this blog, Story in Indonesian songs. Let's just listen to the song 'Perjalanan' by Franky and Jane are mounted on a MP3 Player on the right. And here are the lyrics to the song 'Perjalanan' in Indonesian.

Dengan kereta malam
Ku pulang sendiri
Mengikuti rasa rindu
Pada kampung halamanku
Pada ayah yang menunggu
Pada ibu yang mengasihiku

Reff :
Duduk dihadapanku
Seorang ibu
Dengan wajah sendu
Sendu kelabu

Penuh rasa haru
Ia menatapku

Seakan ingin memeluk diriku

Ia lalu bercerita tentang
Anak gadisnya yang telah tiada
Karena sakit dan tak terobati
Yang wajahnya mirip denganku   2x


Franky and Jane

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