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by : BTF

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kisah cintaku

 'Kisah cintaku' is a popular song in Indonesia. song written by 'Tito Sumarsono' is also never in popularize the 'Chrisye' ('Chrisye' is one of Indonesia's legendary singer, as well as a singer earned three generations). But that is the source of this article, is a collaboration between the authors 'Tito Sumarsono' with a most phenomenal band in Indonesia that is Peterpan. With music typical of Peterpan, and supported by the sound of the vocalist Ariel, ‘Kisah cintaku’ or 'The Story of My Love' became more varied and contemporary. And popular songs ever sung by a band which is also popular, so this song even more pleasant and enjoyable.

This song tells the story of a holy love, someone who is abandoned by her lover since died. She felt lonely in his solitude.She felt lonely life, her lover who has not made it like to live without meaning. Does he want to leave this world to catch up with the lover who has died? Oww ... of course not, maybe it was an unforgettable memory. He was only able to remember, lasting memories in a person. Perhaps you will also have memories like this. Although you now have a replacement, because love does not need to have. Also, you might even be quite busy with many activities. But occasionally you may also be reminded of events that can alert you to the memories of the past who certainly beautiful. About people you'll ever love.Obviously, if extended, sense of loss was not only on your lover, but it could be anyone you care. Able to parents, family or your best friend. Is not if they were far from you, you will feel lost? Love did not know the place, shape or too time. He can come and go just like that. Love is not something eternal. Like the song Ebiet G. Ade: ‘Lagu untuk sebuah nama’ or ‘Kangen’ by Dewa 19. You are certainly very aware of the meaning of loss. But you also must be able to control your thoughts and feelings if you have liver problems because of the loss. Life is not forever, life is just an episode that appears like a speck on this earth. 'Love story' is not a song that asks us to sentimental, but just a nice game of imagination, within the limits of a person who feels loved ones left behind. 'Tito Sumarsono' has been able to invite us to think wisely, such as the lyric song 'love story': Should I go to leave the world, So I can meet you. We do not have to feel excessively sad. Many people who break the chain and then taste his love, so there is not going to find a replacement, there are such people from stress, or even completely shut the door of his heart. Easy-easy for you to visit this blog does not include a category like this. This is probably someone trying to appreciate his love, how it is with people just feel that love is only a matter of not need to be equipped with fidelity? so more that have a boyfriend for more than one, and not a few who love affair? And dizziness to vote. Read also Matahari dan rembulan by Nicky Astria . Uh ... he .., where you belong?

With musical arrangements of a popular band with the name Peterpan, and supported by heavy vocals Ariel, feels 'My Love Story' or 'Kisah cintaku' has a soothing power. Enjoy and look at this song and you will get this song takes you on a beautiful condition.

Kisah cintaku (My love story) 
Creation 'Tito Sumarsono'
Never sung alone by the creators 'Tito Sumarsono'
Ever popular by the legend: 'Chrisye' 

Popularized again by Peterpan

Kisah cintaku

Dimalam yang sesunyi ini
Aku sendiri , tiada yang menemani
Akhirnya kini kusadari
dia telah pergi
Tinggalkan diriku

Adakah semua kan terulang
Kisah cintaku yang seperti ini
Hanya dirimu yang  kucinta dan kukenang
Didalam hatiku, tak kan pernah hilang
Bayangan dirimu, untuk selamanya

Mengapa terjadi kepada dirimu
Aku tak percaya , kau telah tiada
Haruskah ku pergi tinggalkan dunia
Agar aku dapat berjumpa denganmu

Story in Indonesia Songs




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