Love is not a mere heart problems, but also the problem of mind. logic and common sense should be more active. As in the lyric of this song, 'sun and moon' chasing each other and want to embrace. Love will lead to a more beautiful, kind and wise. Although love is what makes people turn away from the seriousness. Many considerations must be chosen, among the descendants of origin, ability and appearance. Is not this like a circle of fire? We can overheat, although love is precisely the source of peace but can also be the beginning of calamity. If you choose wrong, inevitable remorse.This song is beautiful to be analyzed. Almost everyone in the world is experiencing the same problem in a matter of love, to choose as a partner a peaceful life for the mind, heart and other necessities of life. Because the personality of each growing from a different nature, different cultures, different educational background, different desires, and even sex are also different views. and many other differences that must be unified. The song was sung by a Lady Rocker is owned by Indonesia, which named Nicky Astria. Born in Bandung. The sun and moon by Nicky Astria is a beautiful song that pleasant to hear.
Story in Indonesia Songs
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