It may take some courses. Stringing words, to speak. And I hate it. Must be honest with you, about all this. It's tragic, to say these three words, should the course first. Ha ... ha ... ha ..., although it's a song lyric, but did not rule out that there are people who experience things like that. On the other hand there are people who have died in love, and say goodbye love ( Still in love or Masih Cinta by Kotak Band ) or who have to share the heart for more than a love that must be confused ( Matahari dan rembulan by Nicky Astria ). This is a private, opinions and feelings of each person. wall clock was laughing, because I just keep quiet and silent. Want me angry, myself, who did not move in front of you.
An expression of honest, straightforward and courageous to admit the helplessness.
There are others. In your smile, which made my tongue still nervous.There is a rainbow, in your eye ball. And forcing myself, to say: "I love you"(As if the force and continue to force).Maybe next Saturday I said all, the contents of the feelings. And I hate to be honest with you about all this ..
Yeah ...., 30 minutes wait, and must wait again until the next 7 days. And what if it also must wait another 7 days? Rainbow on your eyes or Pelangi di matamu by Jamrud into a song that sweet, romantic and melancholy. Rainbow on your eyes or the Rainbow in your eyes by Jamrud fit in hear for those who will and are in love. 'Story song' or 'Story in Indonesian songs' make this song as a material for an article due to see the beauty in the lyrics. Because we all have to feel what it's like falling in love. We share the beauty of it through music, if the beauty of soul and wrap our minds, would be spared from an attitude that is not good. God also loves us, we live in a flood of His grace and guidance. How can we be hostile to each other? Come listen to beautiful music, both lyrics and arrangements so that we can live in peace. He ... he ... he ...
Have fun, and success for your love.
SanDisk Sansa e260 4 GB MP3 Player with MicroSD Expansion Slot (Black |
Pelangi di matamu
By Jamrud
30 menit kita disini
tanpa suara
dan aku resah
harus menunggu lama ..
kata darimu
mungkin butuh kursus
merangkai kata,
untuk bicara
dan aku benci
harus jujur padamu,
tentang semua ini
jam dinding pun tertawa,
karna kuhanya diam dan
ingin kumaki
diriku sendiri, yang tak
berkutik di depanmu
ada yang lain
yang membuat lidahku
gugup tak bergerak
ada pelangi
di bola matamu
dan memaksa diri
tuk bilang
"aku sayang padamu" (2x)
(seakan memaksa dan
terus memaksa)
mungkin sabtu nanti
kuungkap semua,
isi di hati
dan aku benci
harus jujur padamu
tentang semua ini ..
30 menit kita disini
tanpa suara
dan aku resah
harus menunggu lama ..
kata darimu
mungkin butuh kursus
merangkai kata,
untuk bicara
dan aku benci
harus jujur padamu,
tentang semua ini
jam dinding pun tertawa,
karna kuhanya diam dan
ingin kumaki
diriku sendiri, yang tak
berkutik di depanmu
ada yang lain
yang membuat lidahku
gugup tak bergerak
ada pelangi
di bola matamu
dan memaksa diri
tuk bilang
"aku sayang padamu" (2x)
(seakan memaksa dan
terus memaksa)
mungkin sabtu nanti
kuungkap semua,
isi di hati
dan aku benci
harus jujur padamu
tentang semua ini ..
Halloha ~
ReplyDeleteYour comment already replied in my post, thanks for everything !! =D
Hi, thanks for dropping a line on my last two posts, I do appreciate every comment I get. I have to agree with you on your opinion of music. A soft melody can sooth any restless soul, and can bring love when you least expect it. What would the world be without music? I think it will be very hollow and empty.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, hope your day will be great.
Thank you my friend for your visit and your comment of the 07/11 in my blog, Merry Christmas with health and happiness. Hugs Valter.
ReplyDeletesekalian pasang vidionya mantep tuh....
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